The Holidays Are The Best Time To Grow Your Small Business

This time of year always brings small business owners who think people aren’t buying. Just because Christmas is approaching, it’s common to think that your prospects don’t want to spend money in your business because they’re too busy preserving money for gifts, holidays, or they’re just generally in save-save-save mode because of how expensive things […]
Three Ways to Finish 2024 Strong

There’s two months left in 2024, and it goes without saying that at this time of year, there are two types of small business owners: As the saying goes: “Winners are already thinking about January,” and it’s probably true that most small business owners are thinking about today, not about January. So let’s change that. […]
3 Reasons Your Small Business Has You Trapped
You wanted to rid the daily grind, working 9-5 making money for other people. So you started a business, figuring you’d have control over your time, and control over your money. Except, it turned out to be nothing of the sort. It didn’t turn out the way you pictured it would. Instead, you’re stuck at […]
How To Get More Referrals In Your Small Business
Ask any small business owner who’s trying to grow their business, and they will tell you that they’ve got two main goals: make more money, and get more clients. While there’s many ways to do both of those things, one of the most effective ways to get more clients, make more money, and keep them […]
3 Ways For Small Businesses To Get More Sales From Their Email List
Most small business owners are sleeping on their email list. They gathered emails once upon a time as their clients trickled in because they knew they should, but never did anything more with them. Now, that email list sits dormant, slowing having new people added to it, but the leads aren’t hearing anything from your […]
Why Marketing To Everyone is Marketing To No One
Small business owners love what they do – there’s no doubt about that. You opened your business because you’re a master at your craft. You love helping people, solving problems, and contributing back into your community or the world at-large. But your desire to work with everyone is actually what’s hurting your small business, not […]
How To Market Your Small Business On A Limited Budget
Whether you’re just starting your small business from scratch or you’ve been operating for a long time, marketing still needs to happen, even with a limited budget. No marketing will kill your small business, so it’s important to make the most of what you have resources for. It’s also important to leverage your time appropriately, […]
The Pathway To Freedom In Your Small Business
We opened our small business because we wanted to control how much income we made, our work schedules, and we wanted to run a business that maybe wasn’t so dependent on us. The “promised land” of mental freedom, time freedom, and financial freedom was what we chased. When I speak to small business owners, the […]
How To Help Your Clients Get Started Easier & Faster
Think about your onboarding system for a prospect coming into your small business. If they wanted to pay and start, how difficult would it be for them to get started working with you, and how quickly could they begin? Some small business owners place a lot of steps in between the lead becoming a prospect, […]
Why Ignoring Your Small Business’ Financial Data Could Cost You Everything
If you’re a small business owner who’s feeling like you’re stuck in the mud, it’s a good assumption that understanding your metrics – financial, marketing, and client-centred – is probably not something you feel confident about. It’s OK – you’re not alone. This is probably one of the most common pitfalls in most of the […]