How Giving Away Free Information & Help Can Add More Clients

Your audience is one of your most valuable assets to your business. Most business owners don’t have an audience established, or they aren’t maximizing the benefits of having an audience.

Your audience is important because it helps you build your Know/Like/Trust Factor with them. It helps you build your expertise and authority in your space. This is important because when your ideal client is wondering how to solve their problem – the problem that you best solve – they will think of you first.

One of the best ways to build and strengthen your audience is to give away free information. You can do this through your blog, your email list, or even a free Facebook group like ours. This strategy will help you build your authority, help you reach more people, and help you add more clients.

Know/Like/Trust Factor

Before we dive in, it’s important to understand what the Know/Like/Trust Factor is.

Initially, a cold lead has no idea who you are. They don’t know anything about you, or about your business. 

As you begin to interact with them more, they learn about you, and they learn about your business.

When you start to interact with your audience more, they begin to like you. They want to follow you, they want to comment on everything, and they continuously want to engage with you.

When they know who you are and what you do, and they like you, they will interact with things that you do. The more that they interact and engage with you, the more they begin to trust you. Giving away free information in an effort to help them is a great way to establish and build that trust with your audience.

Build Your Authority

Any content that you have written that you use with your clients, give it away for free. All of this material is important to your business – yes – but it’s not the reason why people are buying your services. They are buying your services because of YOU. 

By sharing the information for free with your audience, you will begin to build and expand your expertise. It’s even more powerful when your content provides opportunities for them to implement and take action right away. If you can create actionable items that your audience can use, now you’re really beginning to establish your domain of expertise.

Reach More People

We all started our service business because we wanted to help people in some way, shape, or form. Whatever your craft is, you do it well, and you want to help as many people as possible. 

By sharing your information and your expertise, you are giving yourself the opportunity to reach more people. The more information that you share, the more people will pay attention. The more they will request this free information, and then, some will implement your action steps. Some will have success, and that will be the start of your journey with them. 

Add More Clients

If you are continuously giving your information for free, and more people pay attention, your authority will grow. When people start experiencing or paying more attention to their problems, you will be first in mind. 

You’ve spent time sharing all of this information, and that built trust with your audience. Naturally, when they experience something that you can solve, you are an automatic solution because you have spent time demonstrating you know how to solve these problems. 

Sharing information for free to your audience is such a powerful tool that has many benefits. It will help you build your authority, reach more people, and therefore add more clients. Our PDBM clients learn how to create free resources quickly, how to distribute them effectively, and how to follow-up and convert those leads to sales.

Ready to start your mentorship journey? Book a FREE Discovery Call with our team here.

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