The Lies Business Owners Tell Themselves

Feel like you lack some motivation to get through your days? A quick Google search can get you hyped up and ready for the day:

  • “Grind now. Greatness later.”
  • “Your discipline dictates your success.”
  • “I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.”
  • “Don’t waste a single day. Hustle today like there’s no tomorrow.”
  • “The dream is free. Hustle is sold separately.”

Motivating, right? Makes you want to run through a wall?


It’s pretty tough to get hyped up about opening the doors to your business first thing in the morning, while you’re barely awake. It’s hard to be excited about spending the whole day ticking the boxes just to get through the day. Seeing the clock hit closing time, it’s hard knowing you still have a laundry list of to-do items on the docket yet before you can go home. You haven’t seen or heard from your family all day. Walking in the door so exhausted, but you try to get some food in you and try to help put the kids to bed, but you’re not worth much to your family right now. Your head hits the pillow and off you go. In a few short hours, you’ll be back right where you started.

All the motivational quotes can fix that, right? A Google search for today’s quote while you’re drinking your morning coffee the next day, getting ready to start all over again. Alright, let’s go!

Listen, motivation is not your issue. You don’t need motivation to get through a day like this. Your problem is the day. It’s the situation you’re in. It’s the way your business is functioning.

You need to stop trying to cover it up with motivational posters plastered on your wall and telling yourself a story that you love the grind of being a business owner.

The people who run successful businesses aren’t running a grind like that.

Newsflash: You don’t have to either.

When I hired a business mentor for my first business, one of the questions I asked right off the start was how can I do things more efficiently? How can I maximize my time? How can I make this easier for myself?

As I hired a business mentor for my second business, I asked these same questions.

The answer lies in knowing how to build the systems that will support the skeleton of your business. It means setting up your pricing structures and offerings so your business can become profitable and you can afford to pay yourself what you need and want to. It means hiring the right people, in the right seats and understanding how to navigate your staff so you can shift your focus to working ON your business instead of IN your business. You can build marketing systems that will actually work, and retention systems that will keep your customers coming back to you.

When you can shift your focus to working on your business, you can focus on growth.

But those empty Google searches for motivational quotes about hustling and the grind of being a business owner? Sure, they may look good hanging on your walls. But when your pockets are empty and you’re exhausted beyond measure, what do you tell your wife and kids?

“I bought a new poster of my favourite quote for my office.”

Save your money.

Book a call instead. Let’s get you out of that rut.

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